Joining the ETHA is the best way to connect with people who know East Texas history.
To join by mail, click here for the mail-in application.
Sixty years of ETHA has resulted in an organization that is focused on historical scholarship about this important region of Texas. The histories of East Texas include Caddo and other native people, Spanish and Mexican settlers, Anglo filibusters, and notable participants in the Texas Revolution. New Deal politics, civil rights movements, and other aspects of our culture are stories not often widely known.
Hear It From Our Members
The best way to understand the many benefits of joining the East Texas Historical Association is to hear it straight from our members. Take a look at our Pine Cone Profiles, short introductions to members each month, and see what they say about why joining ETHA makes a difference.
Support the Telling of East Texas History
Our rich history extends through early Caddo culture to the Spanish Colonial period, and includes places, events, and people pivotal to the Republic and to Statehood. Histories of the Depression, the New Deal, and Civil Rights have a uniqueness of expression within East Texas.
Educate Others on East Texas History
In addition to the research and scholarly publication of articles in the East Texas Historical Journal, ETHA works to engage both students and educators in K-12, community colleges, and universities. Building cross-generational connections to our history are vital.
Network and Engage
With a major annual conference in October and a second themed conference in the spring, ETHA brings together academic communities, historical societies, and commissions, and interested individuals for education and interaction.
Gain Access to Resources
Through the publication of the East Texas Historical Journal two times each year and the digital repository of the journal through our website and SFA ScholarWorks, members have historical research at their fingertips.
Individual memberships are the lifeblood of ETHA. Your financial support and participation are vitally important to the mission of the association. In addition to the basic memberships, you can choose a higher level of giving to boost your support and benefits.
Regular Memberships and Library Memberships are $60 a year.
Student Memberships are $15 a year and are for students enrolled in high school or college.
Family Memberships are available for $75.
Sustaining Memberships are available annually as Patrons for $125 and as Benefactors for $90. Both contribute to the ongoing work of the Association.
Life Memberships are available for $900.00 and are for individuals interested in perpetuating the work of the Association.
Non Profit Institutional Memberships (for businesses, educational institutions, and industries) are available for $50.00 a year. Institutional Memberships (for businesses, educational institutions, and industries) are available for $100 a year.
You can renew or extend your membership anytime. You can also move your membership to a higher level of support when you renew. Click here to start the process.
Get to know some our members through these Pine Cone Profiles. Members tell in their own words why they care about East Texas history and about being a member of the ETHA.
This new feature allows members of the ETHA to communicate and connect with each other. If you are a member, you can view and update your profile, and view the details of other members.
The Member Directory is also available to members using the smartphone app, Wild Apricot for Members. There is also a short guide on using the member directory and controlling the details in your own directory entry.
Members click here to see the Directory.
Use this link for members to update your contact information. Click here to update.
The membership management software that ETHA uses, Wild Apricot (WA), includes a mobile app for both Android and Apple iOS phones. The app, Wild Apricot for Members, has a simple interface and is the easiest way to update your member profile, view or renew your membership. Learn more here.
When you join ETHA as a Life Member, not only do you establish yourself as an exceptional member, you support the mission of ETHA in establishing the unique nature of East Texas history. Be a Life Member and support ETHA!