Learn more about East Texas history through the ETHA, online or in print
The East Texas Historical Journal is printed two times each year and mailed to members as a benefit of membership.
Articles from the Journal’s entire history available online are downloaded almost 6,000 times each month by readers from all over the world.
Learn more about how ETHA delivers the history of East Texas all across the country. Click here to learn more about SFA ScholarWorks, or click here to go directly to the online Journal.
All Things Historical is a weekly feature appearing weekly in the Nacogdoches Daily Sentinel and the Lufkin Daily News . All Things Historical columns, written by ETHA’s Executive Director, Scott Sosebee, offer East Texans a regular glimpse into their colorful regional heritage.
Current articles are available here. Articles prior to July 23, 2023 are available here.
Full or 1/2-page ads can be placed in the East Texas Historical Journal, published two times a year. Click here for more information.
The East Texas Historical Journal publishes articles on the history of Texas, usually with an emphasis on East Texas, in Fall and Spring issues. Articles may be defined as narratives or edited letters, diaries, etc. Illustrations are used in some cases. Normally, the editor prefers articles that do not exceed twenty-five manuscript pages in length, including endnotes. Text and endnotes should be typed double-spaced. Initial submission should be an electronic copy compatible with Microsoft Word and a hard copy printed on letter-quality printer. Each submission is acknowledged upon receipt, evaluated for content, and either accepted subject to author approval of editorial changes or copyedited and returned with suggestions for revision. When revisions are complete, please return the original copy, a revised hard copy, and a revised electronic copy via email. This, too, will be acknowledged, along with a decision on publishing. Articles are published in the order of acceptance, except when length or special issues dictate otherwise. Writers of articles receive a complimentary issue of the Journal containing their work.
The East Texas Historical Journal attempts to review as many books on Texas history as possible. Those interested in reviewing books for the Journal should provide the editor with their name, address, phone number, email address, and fields of interest. When a book is received for review, a letter will be sent to learn a prospective reviewer's willingness to review it. If the reviewer accepts, then the book, a detailed checklist, and a publishing agreement will be forwarded to the reviewer. Reviews are due within three months of acceptance of the assignment. Submissions should contain a hard copy for editing and an electronic copy, via email in a format compatible with Microsoft Word. An acknowledgment of our receipt of the review will be sent. Reviewers will receive a tear-sheet of the issue of the Journal containing their review.
Scott Sosbee, Executive Director & Editor
sosebeem@sfasu.edu -
ETHA members produce a remarkable amount of scholarly work and are among the most recognized historians and researchers across the state and the country.
As a benefit of ETHA membership, this new page will highlight both new works and those previously published. New work is listed first and then alphabetized by title. Click here to see the list. Much more to come.
More to come with links to historical resources and on ETHA’s collaboration with other historical associations.